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7 responses »

  1. Ralph, do you have a Facebook page? You really should. I’m sure you’d get lots of followers.

  2. you can and never will stop the cultural revolution that is sweeping the six counties
    its a fait accomplait.
    i feel sorry for the unionist who have no culture but even more sorry for the poor uneducated underprivileged loyalists on the shankill and sandy row and elsewhere.. no more safety nets and now we hear that over one hundred of our newly created police force are learning irish!
    they are so embarrassed by the phoney pseudo ulster scoots culture and patois. but suffice to say it all only a meter of time and tide nor time cannot prevail against it

  3. I just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my comment, so answer maybe.

    I have no idea what’s happening here. How do you determine how many exclamation marks you use after each sentence? Why is John J Nixon considering measuring time in meters?

    You really should have a facebook.

  4. proof positive that anyone can have a blog

  5. You lot will be bred off this island soon enough. Good riddance. Only reason there isn’t a united Ireland is the NHS…

  6. Lets all leave this guy alone hes obviously disabled or a parody theres no other explanation


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